
:::: Phishing attacks ::::

Stay tuned, coming up shortly...

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:::: Your suit to Internet space ::::

Did you know anything that connects to a network can be compromised? Thats right, anything from humans to devices. Massive data breaches, marketers tracking your every step online, shady people exploring the photos you shared in social networks - the list of digital annoyances goes on and on.

We often hear about cyber attacks, disaster events such Wannacry, NotPetya among others can’t be forgotten easily and are able to seriously damage even the biggest and well-prepared firms. 

Below is an highlight on some of the extra checks you need to perform to stay safe online.

1. Safe password and PINs

2. Attachments and shared links.

3. Secured websites and Online payments

4. Stay Private on Public connections

5. App Permission settings, Terms and conditions

6. Social media

7. Don’t use public storages for private information 

8. Evade tracking

9. Keep your main e-mail address and phone number private

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:::: Comming Soon ::::

Coming soon..

:::: Coming Soon ::::

Coming soon..

:::: Comming Soon ::::

Coming soon..

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:::: Comming Soon ::::

Coming soon.. 

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